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Exepress Magazine (

The Exepresshe Exepress magazine is a local advertising organ based in Exmouth and circulated in the local area. They needed a site that could be used to sell advertising space to clients who would be able to control their own content, but this complex site would need to be launched within three weeks.

AthelnetAthelnet created a site that relied mainly on server-side processing using PERL scrips on a MySQL database to allow dynamic content with varying levels of user privileges, and a user level system that is integrated with a PayPal account owned by the ExePress. The use of JavaScript and Flash has been reduced to a minimum to improve compatibility and download speed, while various controls are in place to restrict such elements as the length of advert content. Many elements of the page layout, such as the number of advertisements displayed per page and the word limit for users' adverts, are controlled through a bespoke administration area. screen shot
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Design and Build
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A-Door Solutions
D.H. Motorhomes
Charlie Salt
Creative Chrome
Skindependent Records
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The ExePress Magazine
Baydor Ltd.
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